Friday, October 12, 2007

(1) the archetypal story, chapter 1 of 22


Chapter one of The Archetypal Story, an allegory of conscious development, from Michael W. Bennett. Quite Jungian, and Joseph Campbell-esque in approach to tarot interpretation.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Card of the Day 8.21.07

Knight of Disks From Thoth Deck
Publisher: Weiser Books; Cards edition (June 1976)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877284520ISBN-13: 978-0877284529
In divination the Knight of Disks often represents a person having influence over your financial situation, like your boss or your bank manager. At his deepest level this Knight is about material and physical resources, and how we handle them. He has a lot to teach us about good management and attention to detail.

So on a day which he rules, spend a little time going over your finances, and your overall material position. Look at all the stuff you've had in that box at the back of the cupboard for all this time. Go through your insurance policies, and other important financial documents.
At the very least, you'll know where they all are next time you need them. You could also discover a shortfall or something you've overlooked. And, at best, you could stumble across something important and rewarding.

If all your paperwork is already in order, then spend some time assessing the ways in which you spend your money, and decide whether it's going the way you want it to. Often you'll get a fresh perspective on something that you had taken for granted before.

Affirmation: Effort brings reward

With the Knight of Disks we see a man who is deeply committed to practical matters in life - work, career, home and family are his major spheres of influence. He is diligent, hard-working and pays great attention to detail.

His progress in life is a steady, sure development of ongoing projects, which he works through with great industriousness and perseverance. Not for him, risky schemes, nor extravagant business deals. He moves with caution and circumspection, consolidating each step forward before taking the next one.

Some would consider him dull and boring - others would call him prudent and reliable. The card often comes up to represent a quiet man, whose approach to life is measured and calm. However it's as well not to be taken in by the sturdy exterior. Disks males have a capacity for deep and boundless passion - they just don't shout too loudly about it. Whilst life with him may not be a roller-coaster ride, you will surely know what to expect, and what you can count on. He makes an excellent business partner, particularly for the high-flyer, because he introduces forethought and pre-planning. He's a faithful and dependable partner, and a committed father.
My personal thoughts on this card are to take stock of my life. Gain some perspective, repose and recharge for whatever comes next. That is what I did today.




Monday, August 20, 2007

Tarot Consultant Certification Course


The Tarot Consultant Certification course (HS220) is a complete class on how to use the tarot cards for personal guidance or professional readings. The course uses meditation, visualization, storylines and an ingenious grid system that greatly simplifies learning the cards. This takes out all the hard work and gets you reading in just a few hours. After that, it is mainly "practice makes perfect."

The hardest part of learning tarot is remembering all the card meanings (especially the court cards), as well as learning the more intricate techniques of conducting a reading. The instructors of this course have designed a unique system using accelerated learning techniques, audios, visualizations, and meditations to anchor the meanings and interpretations of all the cards.

As part of the instruction, students receive three free analyses of their readings. Simply do a reading and send the card layout and your interpretations to your instructors, and they will add their expertise to give you greater insights into your talents.
The course comes complete with a comprehensive manual, three guided audio sessions, as well as other many other extra resources. The entire course is sent on two CDs or can be downloaded for instant access and faster certification.

This course is taught by world renowned tarotologists Linda Campbell and John Gaydon. Upon successful completion of the HS220 exam and submitted readings, graduates are awarded the Tarot Consultant's Certificate. This course is available by mail or as an online download. Tuition for the entire course including all materials above is $75.

Is there a need for certification? Who decides? What are the laws governing your practice? As Tarot practicioners we should know "the ins-and-outs" of not only our craft but those legalities that may seek to encumber us. Future posts will detail the rank and file opinions of those notables within our community on this pertinent topic. Please stay tuned.



With already over 800 members and over 1000 pages of content, Tarotpedia is fast becoming one of the most developed online resource for tarot.
As a growing resource, Tarotpedia reflects its active community, and of course its longevity. By becoming a member, you can assist in the growth and development of the site.
Whether reading through and alerting omissions, making suggestions, or contributing directly to the pages, participation is what will make this Online Encyclopaedia of Tarot a resource treasured by all.

What Card Are You?

You are The Hermit
Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.

The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.
The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.

The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.
Okay, so I never put too much stock into personality tests administered online but this one came out fairly accurate! Try it for yourself.

Card of the Day

Publisher: Weiser Books; Cards edition (June 1976)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877284520
ISBN-13: 978-0877284529
Perhaps it was Providence, or the Universe that led me to draw the Magus/Magician as the first CAD I have done for nearly a year? Whatever forces were at work, it fits perfectly. I have been juggling a lot, family & friends, new ideas, old habits. You get the idea.

The Thoth deck is my prefered choice for self-study work; when I read for others, I often use the Rider or Morgan deck(s) but when it comes down to my being able to relate to a card through its imagry, nothing compares to the Crowley/Harris collaboration.

I am not a student of the O.D.O or any other Mystery School. But the connection I get with the symbols and archetypes and nuances of this particular deck almost make me wish I were.

One of the things that struck me most deeply about this card as we journeyed through today was that the figure bears a striking resemblance to the crucified Christ! In fact the symbology of Hermes' caduceus and Jesus' words: John 3:14,15 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, 15: that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. ... were more than appearant albeit, hidden in plain sight until now. Then, again, there is the Emerald Tablet edict of As above, so Below; how this made itself obvious to me came again through the recorded words of Christ: on earth as it is in heaven... Consider me a dolt but I never picked up that correspondence before today.

So how did I manifest the Magus today? I purchased a new Tarot journal in which to write down my observations.

Brighest Blessings Be,


Friday, June 22, 2007

Tarot Archetypes- The Fool's Journey

A guide to the basic archetypes presented in the Major Arcana. Music by: Stewart Copeland "Dark Passage" Spyro the Dragon Insomniac Games

Monday, June 18, 2007

Recognizing Zodiac Correlations in Tarot Cards

A guide to recognizing Zodiac correlations in Major Arcana and Court Cards. Music by: Stewart Copeland "Twilight Harbour" Spyro the Dragon Insomniac Games

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Understanding Tarot Court Cards

For those who need a little help with the Court Cards.

A guide to understanding Tarot Court Cards as significators/identifiers. Music by: Stewart Copeland "Lofty Castle" Spyro the Dragon Insomniac Games

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Learn tarot cards


Chris offers insight on the basics of learning the tarot.