Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Talk at the 100th Anniversary of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck by Paul Hughes-Barlow. Part I

Paul talks about the influence of the Golden Dawn and its schisms on member AE Waite, and the creation of the Rider-Waite deck. Includes a discussion on the Horos rape trial that caused the downfall of the Golden Dawn. Also, the importance and context of meaning when we study the tarot.

Mary Greer was the headline speaker... this is a more modest contribution.

The talk was in the function room at the Devereux public house off the Strand in London on 5th December 2009. The lighting was not good, so apologies for the picture quality.

100th Anniversary talk on the RWS Tarot deck by Paul Hughes-Barlow, Part 2

"The second part of my talk on the influence of the Golden Dawn on AE Waite and the Rider-Waite tarot deck. In this part I share my views on the reason why the Golden Dawn is so prone to schisms; the use of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life." -Paul Hughes-Barlow

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Watch this video in a new windowBest Tarot Spread?

What is the best Tarot spread? We look at designing your own, the Celtic Cross, and one, three, five and seven card yes-no or past, present and future spreads.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tarot The Hermit

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Hermit card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tarot Tips

Some tarot tips from nickandsal001

Journals, spreads, readings for yourself and others; how to choose a deck, and much more. This vid covers a lot in 5:48

Tarot intro

Sal's Tarot journey and tips along the way

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Watch this video in a new windowTarot Justice

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Justice card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Starter Decks for new Readers

Angelo discusses a few of his favorite choices of tarot decks for those new to reading the cards. He stays within the Rider Waite tradition with his selections, and I can't blame him. His selections include:

The RWS/Radiant Rider/Universal Waite

The Morgan Greer

The Hanson Roberts

The Pictorial Key Tarot

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tarot Conference Video Trailer 2009

Two brief clips from the Tarosophy Tarot Conference held in the English lake district (2009). Featuring Rachel Pollack talking on "Death and other Mysteries" in the Tarot, and Kim Huggens, who presented on the Tarot Court Cards. An extended video is available to members of Tarot Professionals, and our next conference will be held in September 2010.

Join us for authentic and considered Tarot of the highest level, as a beginner or expert. Gain access to the best Tarot magazine in the world with the leading authors and teachers (Pollack, Greer, DuQuette, Rosengarten, Wells and many others) and many other Tarot courses and video lessons.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Meditation Tarot Card THE LOVERS

This weeks card talks about the lovers and other aspects of the lovers card from the RWS deck.

Nice explanation of the Lovers card along with its symbolism. Should be helpful for those meditating upon this trump. It was for me. Thanks edster1973 for sharing.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lovers Card by Amanda Goldston from Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

The Lovers card from the Rider Waite tarot deck. Amanda Goldston of http://www.learntarotonline.com explains the card and its meaning and how to interpret it in both the upright and reversed posiitons.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tarot The Lovers

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Lovers card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to Wrap your tarot deck

this is a simple and basic way for those of us who can't spend $10-$15 on a tarot sachel...cheap way to solve the problem? 1footx1foot worth of cloth, or 2ft X 2ft worth of cloth with your tarot cards bound up nice and tight in the middle. Enjoy this cheap easy way to protect your tarot cards.


Not to mention that the wrap can double as an "altar cloth" ! Great tarot tip from 'thedarkmoonmidnight'. Thanks for sharing.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Tarot The Hierophant II

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Hierophant card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Recharging A Dormant Tarot Deck

The video talks about how to get reversals and the small portion I am referring to is in this video. I may have to record a more detailed tutorial so as to avoid any confussion, but this link will do for now.

Recharching A Dormant Tarot Deck 2

this is the video on how to do the recharging / reconnecting to an old / dormant Tarot deck. This excercise is also good for when you have a newly purchased Tarot deck and you want to charge / connect with it. I hope it clarifies a few things. Enjoy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Watch this video in a new windowTarot The Hierophant I

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Hierophant card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

For more discussion, and to interact with the Mystery School Sangha, check out the yahoo group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Swamijis_Mystery_School/

For more of Swami's teachings:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Tarot can do for you

What tarot is used for. It is to hep and bring you guidance, advice ect. Introspection and more. I forgot to mention Tarot can be used for Meditation and Magick.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pages and the Fool

Bianca noticed something to connect the fool to the Page of Cups...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Elements and the Suits

Not all the corresponding elements are as fixed to the the four suits of the Tarot as you might think. Depending on the deck, the artist, and the author, the Sword and the Wands can change or swap their elements. The Cups and Pentacles tend to remain fixed or true to their original elements. Always consult your deck first and get to know the suits as they are depicted in your deck of choice.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Suit of Swords

My (Bianca's) take on the Suit of Swords and some questions I have about the "butterfly" symbolism in the Court Cards.

Again, there are many books out there that will give you the definitions or "what does this card mean," so I don't find it all that useful to get into the standard definitions here.

Suit of Pentacles

Last little video touching upon the Suit of Pentacles as a whole. These are some of my thoughts on it and how I've come to see the entire suit.

Watch this video in a new windowTarot The Emperor

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Emperor card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Suit of Wands

The Court Cards in the Suit of Wands. Please refer to the box's booklet (LWB) for the divinatory meanings of this suit. After that feel free to come up with your own interpretations. Write down how you feel, your impressions and let the actual cards reveal their story to you.

Suit of Cups

My (Bianca's) take on the Suit of Cups and another way to go about learning the suit itself. There are many books out there that will give you the definitions or "what does this card mean," so I don't find it all that useful to you to get into the standard definitions here. I am hoping to take the student and anyone else who is curious about the Tarot a step further and start thinking about these images on their own and connecting with them on a personal way.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tarot quick tips

Just a few quick tips for tarot readers, beginners and advanced alike.


Great tips, Silver. My only point of concern is your point about not having more than one deck open in the presence of (an)other deck/s. I do a lot of comparison readings where I have more than one deck going at a given time. Sometimes as many as 3 or 4 so that I can compare the different images. Also, I have been at workshops where the whole group had their cards out. Thus far, I haven't had any negative energy or "piggy-back" boomerangs because of it. Of course, to be safe, I suppose we could do a deck cleanse after exposing our decks to others. But I would leave that the the individual to decide.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Tarot The High Priestess

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the High Priestess card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

For more discussion, and to interact with the Mystery School Sangha, check out the yahoo group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Swamijis_Mystery_School/

For more of Swami's teachings:

The temple is not only the universe, it is the human body of experience; soul, spirit, physicality. To quote a christian scripture, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fool card and Magician card Interactions by Amanda Goldston using Rider Waite Tarot cards

Fool card and magician card from the Rider Waite Smith deck of tarot cards. Interactions of the two cards and how the meanings change and alter with the cards in the upright and reversed positions.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Magician card colours, symbols and astrology by Amanda Goldston from the Rider Waite Tarot deck


Amanda Goldston does a brilliant job of desribing the colours, and symbols within the Magician card from the RWS deck.

Hierophant Tarot Card by Amanda Goldston from the Rider Waite Tarot card deck

Hierophant card from the Rider Waite deck of Tarot cards by Amanda Goldston. Understand the symbols, colours and astrology of this card. The Hierophant card is about traditions, beliefs, conventions, structured education, spirituality and organised religion. It is asking you to look at how those things serve you in your life today .

Hierophant Card meaning upright and reversed by Amanda Goldston using Rider Waite Tarot cards

Hierophant card from the Rider Waite tarot deck by Amanda Goldston. The Hierophant represents education, religion, our beliefs and spirituality and here we discuss the meaning of the card in both the upright and reversed positons.

Magician card meaning upright and reversed by Amanda Goldston from Rider Waite Tarot Card deck


Excellent presentation on the Magician card by Amanda Goldston. Please check out her links in my "tarot authors and luminaries" section on the right hand side of this blog. I find her to be a wonderful teacher, and trust you will too.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Fool Card Meaning Upright and Reversed in the Rider Waite Tarot deck

The Fool card from the Rider Waite deck of Tarot cards with the meaning of the card in the upright and reversed positions by Amanda Goldston of www.LearnTarotOnline.com

Monday, April 20, 2009

Reversed Tarot Cards - To read or not to read them? That is the question

Should we use reversed cards in a reading? Lets see what each side has to say and how to read them if you choose to.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tarot The Magician Card

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Magician card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

For more discussion, and to interact with the Mystery School Sangha, check out the yahoo group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Swamijis_Mystery_School/

For more of Swami's teachings:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

tarot: minor arcana court cards 3

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism.
This video is the fifth part on the minor arcana, and continues to detail the Court Cards, and briefly describes their elemental balances

Please see "Swami's" introduction and prior videos in the March 2009 section.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

tarot minor arcana: court cards part 2

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism.
This video is the fourth part on the minor arcana, and continues to detail the Court Cards, and briefly describes their elemental balances.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

tarot minor arcana 3 the court cards

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism.
This video is the third part on the minor arcana, and details the Court Cards, and their use as tools for determining elemental balances, how elements are balanced in context with each other.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tarot minor arcana 2 number car

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism.
This video is the second part about the Minor Arcana, and talks about the "numerology" of the minor arcana, how to understand the progression of the numbers in the context of processes and elemental balance.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tarot the minor arcana

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism.
This video is the first part about the Minor Arcana, and its connection to the elements of alchemy, and the dimensions of human experiences.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tarot Fool Card

Continuing the series on the Tarot Cards and mysticism. This video deals with the Fool card and how its symbolism connects to the spiritual journey.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tarot Introduction by SwamijiNisarg

This is the first of a (possible) series of videos talking about the Tarot, as they relate to the symbolism of the path of awakening to enlightenment.

For more discussion, and to interact with the Mystery School Sangha, check out the yahoo group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Swamijis_Mystery_School/

For more of Swami's teachings:

I like "Swami's" teaching style. He reminds me of an esoteric Dr. Gene Scott of blessed memory. I am sure it has something to do with the pipe. Be that as it may, SwamijiNisarg is a competent teacher and I have learned a thing or two from watching his vids.
