Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Talk at the 100th Anniversary of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck by Paul Hughes-Barlow. Part I

Paul talks about the influence of the Golden Dawn and its schisms on member AE Waite, and the creation of the Rider-Waite deck. Includes a discussion on the Horos rape trial that caused the downfall of the Golden Dawn. Also, the importance and context of meaning when we study the tarot.

Mary Greer was the headline speaker... this is a more modest contribution.

The talk was in the function room at the Devereux public house off the Strand in London on 5th December 2009. The lighting was not good, so apologies for the picture quality.

100th Anniversary talk on the RWS Tarot deck by Paul Hughes-Barlow, Part 2

"The second part of my talk on the influence of the Golden Dawn on AE Waite and the Rider-Waite tarot deck. In this part I share my views on the reason why the Golden Dawn is so prone to schisms; the use of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life." -Paul Hughes-Barlow

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Watch this video in a new windowBest Tarot Spread?

What is the best Tarot spread? We look at designing your own, the Celtic Cross, and one, three, five and seven card yes-no or past, present and future spreads.